Project Matrix

Compass Group are the largest contract foodservice company in the world, employing over 500 000 employees. Project Matrix aimed to create an extensive suite of applications to replace existing manual, paper-based processes.


Compass Group


Product design



Across my 9 months on Matrix, I worked as the UX designer and then Design Lead on 4 applications.

The four applications I delivered as part of the project

I delivered each application from discovery through to deployment. Providing research insights, iterative designs and Design QA.


For each application, I prepared and then faciliated a workshop focussed on identifying the to-be experience. Preperation involved using pre-existing research to put together an as-is to give us a starting point. Workshops were done remotely and attended by the IBM team and Compass Group sponsored users. Below are examples of outcomes from 3 of the workshops:

Stock Management Workshop
Goods Receipt Workshop
End of Day Workshop

Process Maps

Using the outputs of the workshops, I created detailed process maps alongside the Service Designer. The map below shows Epic 4 of Stock Management.

Stock Management, Epic 4


Using each of the process flows and the outcomes of the workshops, I created hundreds of wireframes across all 4 applications.I created the low-fi designs in Invision Freehand then used Adobe XD for the mid-fi designs.

Low fidelity wires
Medium fidelity wires


4 applications delivered, supported testing on 2 more and onboarded 2 resources. My work with Compass Group generated £1.5m in revenue and signings over 9 months.

Other work

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